Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Endocrine Round Table Discussion - Dr. Ettinger

The first table discussion with Dr. Ettinger will be in 2 weeks:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015.
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Platinum Room

The topic will be oral diabetic medications. Specifically those that are beyond the restricted county formulary. After this brief lecture, Dr. Ettinger will pick out a topic from the MKSAP endocrine curriculum to discuss in detail. There will be another post regarding the topic chosen.

The setting will be open discussion, round table. Everyone is encouraged to come, especially those on the wards rotation and senior residents. Please review as the material as best as you can to improve the interaction.

We understand that some of you will be in continuity clinic but there will be many other opportunities to participate as these discussions will be held weekly on Wednesday or Thursday.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Rotation 7 Updates

OpenVista Medicine Consults
Please ensure that the Emergency Department and any other consulting specialties place an internal medicine consult when calling you. This is important to maintain hospital statistics and ensure proper billing.

Outpatient endocrine with Dr. Dugal is underway. Please see Sarah's post for more details. Dr Etinger will begin having inpatient endocrine teaching rounds on Wednesday/Thursday from 2pm to 4pm in the platinum room. Everyone is invited.

NIHSS Certification
Remember, the NIHSS certification is due by 1/7/2015. Please e-mail or print your certification to Sharon
Click here for details

Mentorship Program
The deadline to meet with a mentor and complete the evaluation form is 1/30/15.
Click here for details

PostOperative Orders
According to JCAHO, post operative (post PACU) orders to floor must be placed by the surgical team. Under no circumstances is the internal medicine team to place admission orders to the floor. This issue is included in the subspecilaty guidelines (#3) that was approved by the medical executive comission on 9/2/14 

The PACU staff and surgical department has been educated regarding this matter. If the PACU calls you to place post operative transfer order to the wards, please direct them to the surgery attending, resident, or NP/PA to complete the orders. Your responsibility is to add to the medicine related orders.

Senior Resident Notes
Dr. Ragland is actively working with Dr. Johnson on revising senior resident notes at this time. This includes minimizing the senior note to containing a brief and focused assessment and plan without the physical exam or HPI. Again, these are preliminary approaches and there will "beta" testing among several rotations before these goes live.

Candidate Interviews
We have candidate interviews the following dates. There have been several residents selected to tour the residents at 11:30am with a lunch at 12:00pm followed by a program powerpoint presentation. Please plan according and inform your service attending. If you will be unable to help out please inform the chief residents and help us find someone who can cover for you. See Sharon for the powerpoint presentation.
12/18/14 - Shadi
1/7/14 - Lusanik
1/8/14 - Nada
1/13/15 - Shadi
1/14/15 - Joel
1/15/15 - Vahe

Medication reconciliation
During the quality assurance meeting this month there was an emphasis on medicine reconciliation. This is important to ensure Meaningful Use phase 2 required by the government as well as transition to eRX. Please click here for the details surrounding medication reconciliation process

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Endocrine with Dr. Duggal

Dr. Duggal has agreed to start taking us for an endocrine rotation at her private office.

PGY 2&3 Residents on ambulatory care will alternate Tuesday morning and Friday mornings at her office.

David and Avi you are on Amb Care this next rotation. The office manager is Theresa. They expect you there after morning report by 8:45-9AM and they know that you will need to leave by 11:40 to go to noon conference. 

Jasleen Duggal
Diabetes Center
3008 Sillect Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93308
(661) 748-1999