Monday, June 23, 2014

Mentorship Program

The new resident mentorship program will go live with the incoming class of 2017. Each resident will be randomly assigned a 2nd year as a mentor to seek advice from throughout the year. Some of responsibilities of the mentors include:

  • Checking in with the mentor daily during the first few weeks of July
  • Seeking advice on how to approach patient care and subspecialty/attending rounds
  • Determining the level of expectations from the various services
  • Asking questions related to the EMR, hospital, logistics, etc...
If any of the 3rd years are interested in providing mentorship, please comment on this post and we will assign you an intern.

Intern Orientation Week

The hospital wide incoming intern class orientation week is scheduled for Tuesday 6/24/14 -  Friday 6/27/14. The medicine intern class orientation is on Wednesday 6/25/14 (12p - 1p). Topics including work hour duties, procedure logging, logistics, and schedules will be discussed. Additionally we will have an overnight survival guide session.

All residents are encouraged to stop by for a meet and greet with the interns. Additional text pages will be sent out as reminders.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

SpectraLinks and Radiology Critical Results

The radiology department has implemented means to deliver critical radiology results. We have been provided with 4 SpectraLinks (one for each team).

Platinum: 62499
Purple: 65289
Orange: 65279
Green: 65134
ICU: 65299

These phones along with the charger will be stored in the medicine supply closet (located between Green room and Orange room). One resident or intern from each team must carry their designated phone between the hours of 7am to 4pm. Once you sign out, return the phones to supply closet and keep them charged.

These phones are delicate and expensive. DO NOT LOSE THEM

When night float comes on, they will carry the team phone designated for the team on call.

Below are the instruction on retrieving critical results:

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Attending/Resident Tally

Sarah has tallied up the Resident/Attending pairing for the last 2 years. This data will help us pair you with a variable amount of Attendings to maximize your exposure, this does not guarantee that you'll get your attending of choice, it is merely a guide for the Chiefs to utilize

Click on the chart and hover your mouse over the colors to see the exact weeks.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

July 1st Schedule Transition

July 1st is a Tuesday for this year. Because of this the typical switch day will not occur until Tuesday July 1st, 2014. What does this mean?

On Sunday 6/29/14:

  • Night Float Team remains unchanged (Yaghoubian/Aguirre)
  • All Wards and ICU teams remain unchanged

On Monday 6/30/14:

  • All wards teams remain unchanged
  • Platinum wards team will be on call (Ragland/Cohen/Gill/Salam)
  • ICU team 1 (Loewen) will be on day call (with Gary Walters NP for overnight call)
  • Kassabian is off during the day and will start as Night Float Resident at 9pm
  • BenPerlas will be starting as the Night Float Intern at 12 Midnight
  • Transfer notes are to be completed in preparation for change in service

On Tuesday 7/1/14 - The schedule posted to AMION will take effect

  • Purple Wards Team (Ghafarizadeh/Sidhu) and ICU Team 2 (Cohen) on call.
  • Night Float Resident: Kassabian
  • Night Float Intern: BenPerlas

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

AMiON is now live

Pronounced: Am I on?

Quick instructions:

  1. Go
  2. On the top right enter the keyword that was e-mailed out into the login box and click login
  3. The first screen you will see is a list of who is on call today and their pager number
  4. At the top there will be several links:
    • Block: the complete 2014-2015 block schedule.
    • Call: See who's on call for the selected month (use the arrows next to the smiley face to scroll through different months.
    • Off: Shows the off schedule
    • Clinic: Shows the continuity clinic schedule.
    • Binoculars: Brings you to the first screen. Here you can check who's on Call, Clinic, Wards, etc.. with their contact information available.
    • Calendar with stick figure: Create your own schedule for a certain month.
    • Smiley face: submit special requests (currently disabled)
An easy way to check your call schedule is to click "Call" and on the top. select highlight and choose your name.

Any changes made to the schedule will be reflected immediately on the website.

Get your specific requests in before the continuity clinics and wards are scheduled!