Thursday, July 30, 2015

The procedural service, runned by Pulmonary and Critical care division is now available to perform bedside procedures  from 8 am to 4:30 pm , Monday to Friday.
This procedures include:
Lumbar puncture, Thoracentesis, Paracentesis, Central line placement (or HD catheter), arthrocentesis (Knee or elbow).
The goals are to train residents in the Department of Medicine, expedite turn around to have the procedures done, save cost by improving patient safety and complications, and decrease the "load" of referral to IR to perform them.
Thank you
Ralph Garcia-Pacheco MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care
Medical ICU Director

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

TO ALL RESIDENTS and especially to INTERNS,please add your pager number or team color to imaging orders. Also, when you get a critical report from radiology please close the report by pressing 1.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Procedure Note Template

Hey ladies and gentlemen,

This will be my last blog post.

Please add the following template to the bottom of your procedure notes per Dr. Johnson.


Attending of record for procedure___________ [ ]  Direct     [ ] Indirect (authorized and aware)

Supervising resident (direct only) when applicable:_________

Primary Proceduralist:______________

It's been a pleasure serving you guys this past year. New chiefs, please tell all the new interns to sign up for the blog.

Thank you,

Sarah & Avi