Please check the below schedule for the Internal Medicine In-Training Exam. Make sure to sign out to the cross covering resident before your exam. Cross covering residents, please carry the pager of the person you are covering while he or she is taking the exam. Inform your attendings of the days you will not be available, it is a full day exam.
Exam Date: 9/5/2014
Exam Date: 9/12/2014
Awerbuck (ICU)
Ghafarizadeh (Wards)
Avetisyan (ID)
Assem (BakVA)
Cohen (Wards)
Gill (Wards)
Arutyunov (Wards)
Yaghoubian (Neuro)
Galustanian (Wards)
Ansari (AC)
Azizi (Wards)
Chen (EM)
Talwar (AC)
Lee (Cards)
Hammami (Cards)
Ammar (ICU/AC)
Gholam (AC/ICU)
Sidhu (AC)
Chahal (NF)
BenPerlas (Nephro)
Aguirre (NF)
Mustafa (UCLA)
Kaur (Ger)
Kassabian (ICU)
Nightfloat coverage:
BenPerlas cover night of 9/4, tell attending wont be present
9/4 and 9/5
Sidhu cover night of 9/4, tell attending won’t be available
9/4 and 9/5
Wards coverage
-Assem cover Cohen’s team on 9/5
-Yaghoubian cover Galustanian’s call on 9/5, tell Dr. Sabetian will not be available 9/5
- Lee on wards 9/5 to help Gill with post call, tell Cards attending will not be available 9/5
- Avetisyan on wards 9/12 to help Azizi on call, Tell ID
attending will not be available on 9/12
ICU Coverage:
-Kassabian on ICU call 9/5 to care for all patients as ED is off
and Awerbuck is taking exam. He will have an intern (Ammar).
-ED resident Blakely to take care of all patients on 9/12/2014.