1. UCLA electives:
Of the two UCLA electives granted throughout your residency, one elective is to be a mandatory hematology/oncology rotation. Please tell Sharon which year (2nd or 3rd) you will be doing your heme/onc rotation so it can be arranged. 3rd years, if you have not yet done a heme/onc rotation at UCLA, your elective is automatically going to be heme/onc.
2. Endocrine Clinic
Dr. Jasleen Duggal has graciously volunteered to have 1 endocrine clinic per month. Patients referred to the clinic are to be approved by Dr. Duggal in advance and only residents are allowed to refer to this clinic. Only refer "juicy" endocrine patients, not average run of the mill diabetes patients. Details to come.
3. Overflow System:
Each month 4 senior residents on either ambulatory care or electives will be assigned ONE week of overflow duty including a mandatory Friday and Saturday night float duty for that rotation. If a team caps on Monday-Thursday during the day (meaning 10 admissions for each senior, not 10 consults or 10 points) then the resident assigned to overflow must come in and relieve the senior.
The same resident assigned for that week of duty will work Friday and Saturday night starting at 9 pm, thus no more 24 hour calls for senior residents on wards. This is MANDATORY.
This system will start during rotation #2. Expect changes to the amion schedule soon.
4. Logging Duty Hours
Effectively immediately, duty hours must be logged every week in completion on e-value by Sunday night. Every Monday a report will be generated for those residents that hours are not logged and a meeting will be arranged with Dr. Ragland at which point you will log your hours in front of him.
5. Rotation Evaluations
Resident and attending evaluations are to be completed on e-value prior to the completion of each rotation. If by Monday of the following rotation evaluations are not completed, a meeting with either the chiefs or Dr. Ragland will be arranged. EVALUATIONS ARE 100% CONFIDENTIAL.
Attendings are to meet with residents prior to the end of each rotation and give residents feedback on their performance. It is the residents responsibility to encourage the attending for feedback if he or she is not giving it.
6. Outpatient didactics
Outpatient medicine clinic didactics are to be every medicine clinic Monday through Thursday from 1:15 to 1:30 PM . The lectures are to be given by the attending, not the resident. Please be on time to medicine clinic and show the attendings that we want to learn. Leave the hospital by 1 PM and go to Sagebrush so you can get there on time. Resident attendance and time of arrival will be noted.
Please feel free to send us any lecture topics you may find useful.
Please stick with us, things will get easier. We are all one team and we need to do everything in our power to make our already great program even better.
Sarah and Avi
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